Introductory Course to Processwork

2 years ongoing group: Introduction to Process-Oriented Psychology (POP). Processwork, also called process oriented psychology, is a multicultural, multi-leveled AWARENESS PRACTICE including people and their natural environment. It is an evolving, trans-disciplinary approach supporting individuals, relationships and organizations to discover themselves.
Introductory Course to Processwork
Introductory Course to Processwork
  • Start: 2019-09-20, godzina 18:00
  • Koniec: 2019-09-22, godzina 17:00
  • WWW: strona www

The course is addressed to all who are interested in their own individuation process and/or those working with people and/or learning the method and becoming a diplomate in processwork.

The theory itself is elegant in its simplicity and application to any aspect of life. As well as a tool for individual personal growth, Processwork’s model for identity and experience is equally useful for relationships and groups, both small and large, and any kind of conflict work.

Processwork understands human experience as a dreaming process which unfolds through sensory channels. Our experiences are alive in Consensus (everyday) Reality as well as Dreamland – aspects of experience which are subjective and not necessarily agreed upon in a given culture. At the deepest level, consciousness and reality spring from Essence, birthed and mediated by Process Mind, which is analogous to the ancient Chinese understanding of the Tao Which Cannot Be Said.

You can find more here about POP:

TOPICS to be covered (in 18 seminars):
Philosophy & history of POP
Basic tools of POP
Working with dreams (2)
Deep body work (2)
Working with realtionships & family (3)
Working with critics - inner and outer
Working with addictions and tendencies to them
Working with altered & extreme states
Working with trance & coma states
How to work on oneself alone
Working on creativity
Working on abuse
Working with groups
World work (solving the world issues)

I year (September-May 2019/2020)
II year (September-May 2020/2021)
One weekend + 2 individual online sessions/ per month with Zbyszek Milunski or his assistances
Weekend seminars (Friday evening – Sunday afternoon)

Dates of seminars TBD
Programm starts in September 20-22nd

One seminar – 100 eur
One online session – 35 eur or less (depending on who is running them)

1st year (9 seminars + 18 online sessions) 1530 Eur
2nd year (9 seminars + 18 online sessions) 1530 Eur

Programme will be held by:
Zbyszek Milunski with assistants
Process Work Diplomate
Process Psychology Institute, Warsaw (

Diplomate in processwork, teacher and supervisor, working as therapist and facilitator for about 20 years. He loves life, people and his work, which is for him a way of life. More about him:

The course prepares for Diploma Program in Process Psychology Institute in Poland

Registration and more info:
Ieva Šližienė
phone. 8 618 73650


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