Myofascial Energetic Release Training "Self-Empowerment"

6 DAYS SEMINAR, “SELF-EMPOWERMENT” BACK, NECK, PELVIS & BREATH, 16-22 July 2018 in Kików, Poland. Learn how to release pain in the body. Mastering the art of working deeply with the body. “Live Pain Free”.
Myofascial Energetic Release Training "Self-Empowerment"
Myofascial Energetic Release Training "Self-Empowerment"
  • Start: 2018-07-16, godzina 19:00
  • Koniec: 2018-07-22, godzina 15:00
  • Miejsce: Integral Body Institute, Kików
  • WWW: strona www

In this seminar you will learn a unique and valuable method of deep tissue bodywork to help people with back, neck and pelvis pain. Through a series of structured, hands-on sessions you will learn how to systematically release and integrate the spine. You will learn the art and science of seeing holding patterns in the body and there relationship to the emotional holding patterns. Using this information to develop treatment (programs) to affect a ‘myofascial integration and energy balancing.’ Students will learn the structural and functional anatomy of the back, neck and pelvis, and in turn develop the intuition and skills necessary to work with the underlying causes of pain in these areas – especially as they relate to a clients’ ability to physically and figuratively ‘stand up’ for themselves.
Through a combination of daily meditations, theory, demonstrations and bodywork exchanges with consistent support from the staff, you will learn a holistic approach of myofascial release. This module introduces students to the major hinges of the spine Lumbar- Sacral, Diaphragm, Heart, Thoracic Inlet, Atlas- Occiput and Pelvic release and balance. Students learn the art and science of working on the back, neck and pelvis with deep bodywork, assisted stretches, and joint mobilization. Four effective breath release techniques will be taught.

In particular, students will learn 8 points of learning sensitive and effective deep bodywork, designed by trainer Satyarthi Peloquin to bring skill and intuition to your touch. Students will learn about the musculature, psychology, and ‘myofascial unwinding’ as a method of psychophysical release. By the end of this module students will have learned a comprehensive series of strokes to help people experiencing neck, back and pelvis pain and will be able to give a full back, neck, shoulder, breath and pelvic session.

Focus on the neck, shoulder, back, breath and pelvis
Experience and learn the 8-point teaching for deep touch.
Learn how Fascial contraction I responsible for 95% of chronic pain.
Understand the importance of breath, releasing and balancing the breathing of your clients
Understand that the Pelvis is the center of balance and trust.
Empower and educate clients through teaching myofascial unwinding a deep intrinsic movement education and trauma release
Evaluate clients using body reading, self-reporting, palpation techniques and resonance or intuition.
Refine your ability to touch deeply and work with your own body mechanics.
Develop a listening touch
Open the energy system through the body releasing energy blocks and supporting energy flow.
MER Training Program:

* You can start MER training from any of the above Seminars
* To find out more about Seminars visit TRAININGS

In all five modules there is an environment of learning, empathy, presence and acceptance. In this space the students can feel safe to move into new and profound spaces of experiencing their healing powers and the science and art of holistic myofascial release. The training fosters both a deep journey into learning to work effectively with the myofascia and the understanding and practice of working holistically with the body-mind and feelings as one organic unity. The experience can be one of freedom from pain and emotional awareness and a deeper realization of oneself. Throughout the training there will be a emphasis on meditation teaching a space of mindfulness and presence when working with people.

Myofascial Energetic Release MER
The Myofascial Energetic Release (MER) Training is a powerful life transforming experience. You will learn the art and science of a Deep Bodywork, Assisted Stretches, Myofascial Unwinding, Joint Mobilization, Emotional Release and Awareness and much more under the direction and guidance of Satyarthi Peloquin, who has 40 years of experience as a trainer. Throughout the training the aim for you is to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to give great work to your clients and to create a successful practice. There is a growing demand for mastering the art of working deeply in the body with skill and sensitivity. The capacity of deep bodywork to alleviate acute and chronic pain has made it an indispensable tool in treating widespread conditions of body and head pain.

The main cause of pain and tension in the body is over-contraction of the five types of Soft Tissue: Muscle, Fascia, Skin, Ligament and Nerves. This chronic tension blocks circulation, oxygen and energy to these soft and sensitive tissues. The contracted tissue presses on pain receptors causing 90 percent of the ocean of chronic pain that humanity suffers from. In the MER Training you will learn how to release the cause of chronic pain the over contraction of soft tissues, with deep tissue bodywork and through educating the client of the cause of there pain.

As we open the body’s deeper soft tissue layers we encounter stuck energy in the form of shortened, hardened tissue. You will be taught skillful, sensitive touch we release these energy blocks.

In the training you will learn to activate the body’s natural ability for self-regulation and healing with Myofascial Unwinding and Trauma Healing. The client discovers through the work of the practitioner a new awareness of dysfunctional patterns and beliefs that laid the foundations for their painful predicament.

MER must be tailored to each individuals needs, their specific complaint, and the over all condition of their physical, mental and emotional body. We must treat the whole person. Many factors must be considered and the individual’s body-mind must guide the treatment from start to finish. The therapist is only there to assist.

The goal of MER is to relieve pain and restore function to allow the person to lead a full active life.

This program will focus on exploring the modality of deep bodywork as a healing art, and is designed for anyone seeking to incorporate a unique combination of bodywork techniques and teachings as a way of working with people. Bringing together the connection between the brain, emotions, body and energy.

In the Myofascial Energetic Release Training you learn to help people with Back Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Jaw Pain (TMJ), Migraines, Cervical Pain, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Shoulder Pain, Head Aches, Hip Pain, Depression, Pelvic Pain.

Techniques to learn in this Myofascial Energetic Release Training:
*The art and science of deep bodywork.
*Assisted stretches coming from Ayurvedic Yoga Massage
*How to evaluate soft tissue spasm through out the body and head.
*How to release the chronic muscle spasm through deep sensitive touch. Working on the painful areas for up to 5 minutes giving the fascia time to release.
*Educating your client on the cause of their holding and pain. Education is a powerful ally in the healing of chronic pain.
*Myofascial unwinding, a sophisticated method of movement education that uses the body’s natural wisdom to release and integrate.
*Structural, functional and emotional body reading through which we evaluate the body–mind of the client.
*Palpation the art of evaluating the soft tissues of the body through listening hands.
*You will learn how to educate the client with a comprehensive homework program that will cut the pain at its roots.
*Trauma healing, by working with the felt sense of the body and activating the body’s natural ability to self regulate and release emotional and psychological traumas.
*Skills to work with emotions that arise during sessions. Five keys that will support emotional integration.
*Structural bodywork to bring balance back to the structure of the body.
*Daily Meditations and Meditation through touch or touch as meditation.
About Satyarthi Dylan Peloquin

Satyarthi Dylan Peloquin has been a professional bodyworker for over 42 years. Over the past 33 years, he has trained and taught over 3,000 people worldwide, many of whom are now full-time bodyworkers and / or teachers of various methods of bodywork.

Satyarthi’s career began as a professional dancer in San Francisco, during which time he put his body through rigorous training and intense physical work. Satyarthi found that only massage brought relief and release to his taut, aching muscles, and was so taken by this discovery, that he began to learn and practice massage therapy in 1970. By 1971, having trained in Postural Integration and giving sessions regularly, he realized that bodywork was his true calling and passion. Over the next few years, he studied acupuncture, shiatsu, anatomy, and the healing arts. In 1976, Satyarthi arrived at the Osho Commune International in Pune, India, where he continued to work and study with numerous teachers of various bodywork methods, including Alexander Technique, Rolfing, Neo-Reichian Therapy, and a range of other cutting-edge therapy techniques.

During his stay at the commune, Satyarthi had the wonderful opportunity of giving bodywork sessions to the enlightened Indian mystic, Osho, who taught that the mind, body, and spirit are one organic unity. His work with Osho brought a new, multidimensional connection to Satyarthi’s work and teaching. Satyarthi’s brought together all of his vast knowledge of human anatomy and the different healing schools, modalities, methods, and techniques he had studied and worked with, and went on to co-create a new system of bodywork that is now taught all around the world, called Rebalancing. For more information visit

First day - Opening ceremony and Dinner at 19:00 – 22.00
Morning Meditation 8:00 - 9.00
Breakfast 9:00. - 10:00
Morning Session 10:00 - 13:00
Lunch 13:00 - 14.30
Afternoon Session 14.30 - 18.00
Dinner 18.00-19.30
Night sessions 19.30- 21.30 there will be 3 night sessions during each seminar
Last day –morning session. Closing ceremony & graduation 13.00-14.30pm

Start Date: 16th July 2018 at 7pm
Finish Date: 22nd July 2018 at 3pm
Venue Address: Kików 91, Solec Zdrój, 28-131, Poland (2h drive North from Cracow Airport or 4h drive South from Warsaw Airport)
Price Course Total: 850 Euro plus Accommodation & Food.
Total Price Accommodation & Food (3 vegetarian meals daily): 200 Eur two bedroom or 190 Eur 3-5 bedroom or 170 Eur dormitory
Contact:, Tel: +48 662.382.453
To confirm your participation please make deposit 150 Eur
* You can start MER training from any of the Seminar
* Don’t hesitate to ask more at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
* Deposits are non refundable
* Full Training will be certified by European Institute Of Body Oriented Healing Arts and American Association of Drugless Practitioners. After each module participants will receive certificate-confirming participation in Seminar


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